What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
Paper is handed round, and each player thinks of some public person,
or friend or acquaintance of the company, and writes in full his or
her Christian name (or names) and surname. Then, for, say, five
minutes, a character sketch of the person chosen has to be composed,
each word of which begins with the initial letter of each of the
person's names, repeated in their right order until the supply of
thought gives out or time is up. Thus, suppose the person chosen is
Frank Richard Stockton, the story writer. The character sketch might
F ancifully R ecounts S trange F reakish R omantic S tories.
F inds R isibility S urely. F requently R aises S miles.
An occasional "and" and "of" may be dropped in if necessary. Where one
of the names begins with a vowel (such as William Ewart Gladstone)
the character sketch can be made to run more easily.
It is sometimes more amusing to give every one the same names to work
on; and in some houses the players are not allowed to choose names for
themselves, but must pass the paper on. The characters of towns and
nations may be written in the same way, using all the letters of the
word as the initials.
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