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Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
Category: BALL GAMES

_10 to 100 players._

_Playground; gymnasium._

_Basket ball; Indian clubs._

This game resembles Battle Ball in that it consists in trying to
overturn Indian clubs or tenpins set up in the opponents' court. The
game differs from Battle Ball, however, in being feasible for a much
larger number of players, and in being very much simpler in its form,
not having the closer team organization or such a variety in points of
scoring as Battle Ball. It may be made one of the liveliest and most
interesting games for large numbers of players.

The ground is divided into two equal fields by a line across
the center. At the rear of each ground a row of Indian clubs or
tenpins is set up, there being the same number of pins as players.
Should the number of pins be so great as to require their being closer
than two feet apart, a second row should be placed in front of the
first, in such a way that each club stands opposite a space in the
preceding row of clubs.

The players are divided into two teams numbering anywhere
from five to fifty each. The players stand between their clubs and the
dividing line in any scattered formation. With a large number of
players several balls should be put in play.

The object of the game is to knock down
the opponents' clubs. Each player will therefore serve both as a guard
to protect his clubs, and as a thrower. He may throw whenever he can
secure a ball, there being no order in which players should throw.
Balls may be made to displace the opponents' clubs by being thrown
against the wall behind the clubs, so that they will rebound or
carrom, knocking the clubs down from the rear. No player may step
across the center line. The game is especially interesting when
several balls are in play at once.

Each club overturned scores one point for the side which
knocked it down. Every club overturned by a player on his own side
scores one for the opponents. The game is played in time limits of
from ten to twenty minutes, the side winning which has the highest
score at the end of that time.

Next: Boundary Ball

Previous: Battle Ball

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