Games For All Occasions
This is a very old game, but is always a very great favorite. The more
the players, the greater the fun. The way to play it is as follows. The
players sit in a circle and begin to count in turn, but when the number
7 or any number in which the figure 7 or any multiple of 7 is reached,
they say "Buzz," instead of whatever the number may be. As, for
instance, supposing the players have counted up to 12, the next player
will say "13," the next "Buzz," because 14 is a multiple of 7 (twice
7)--the next player would then say "15," the next "16" and the next
would of course say "Buzz" because the figure 7 occurs in the number 17.
If one of the players forgets to say "Buzz" at the proper time, he is
out. The game then starts over again with the remaining players, and so
it continues until there is but one person remaining. If great care is
taken the numbers can be counted up to 70, which, according to the rules
before mentioned, would of course be called Buzz. The numbers would then
be carried on as Buzz 1, Buzz 2, etc., up to 79, but it is very seldom
that this stage is reached.
Birds Fruits And Flowers
The Bird-catcher
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