
Stoop Tag
("Squat" Tag) _4 to 60 or more players._ _Indoors; ou...

Patol Stick Game
_Properties_.--Three wooden billets; a flat stone about six i...

Simple Simon's Silly Smile.
All the players sit in a circle and one who is bright and w...

Ducking For Apples
Into one tub half filled with water are placed apples to the ...

Whip Tag
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Pumpkin Alphabet
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Cellar Stairs
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Ball And Racket
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Laying Out The Ground

Source: The Book Of Sports
Category: GARDENING.

30 yds.

+--------------------+ +--------------------+






2 ft. 22-1/2 ft. Bed 3 ft. 22-1/2 ft. Bed 2 ft. 40
6 in. wide 6 in. yds.
wide wide

+--------------------+ +--------------------+


To begin gardening, a little boy must have some _ground_, which is quite
indispensable; and a boy of from ten to fourteen years old ought to
have, at least, a piece large enough for him to divide and subdivide,
and arrange with neatness and order. A piece of about forty yards long
by thirty wide will be large enough to commence with, and this should be
set out in the subjoined manner. This will allow of a path three feet
wide in the centre, and of one two feet six inches round the sides,
leaving the beds twenty-two and a half feet wide. The paths should be
gravelled with a good red binding gravel, and to look nice, the borders
should be edged with box or edging tiles. At each corner of the two
parallelograms, might be planted a tree, say, one apple, one pear, one
plum, and one cherry, that is, eight in all; and at distances of about a
yard, might be planted, all round, a foot from the paths, alternately,
gooseberry-bushes, currant-trees, and raspberry-trees, and between them,
various kinds of flowers, to come into blossom at different seasons. At
one end, the south end if possible, should be erected a small arbour,
with a couple of seats in it, and at the two opposite corners should be
two small manure pits,--one for the reception of well-rotted manure, to
be quickly used, and the other for the reception of all weeds, leaves,
and rubbish, which will make manure, and which should be mixed up from
time to time with the spade. These pits should be used alternately. As
soon as one has its contents well rotted, it should be emptied from time
to time on the land, while the other pit should be used to hold the
fresh matter newly collected. By the time this is full, the other will
be empty, and then that may be used as a _collector_ and the other as a
_decomposer_, and so on, alternately.

Next: Manure

Previous: Gardening

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