Planting A Garden
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_5 to 30 or more players._
_House party._
Each player is provided with a sheet of paper and a pencil. The game
consists in one player writing down something that he has planted and
the next player stating what came up. Anything may be planted, though
the questioner must have in mind something that could come up from
what he writes. He must sign his initials. The names of the plants
that come up must bear some direct relation, punning or otherwise, to
the things planted.
For example, a player writes, "I planted a kitten; what came up?" The
paper is handed to the next player, who writes, "Pussy willows."
After the questions are written, the papers are collected and
redistributed, and each writes an answer to the question he has drawn.
They are then collected again, and the hostess reads the questions and
answers. Any question not answered must be replied to by the player
who wrote it. Examples follow
1. Plant an angry wise man; what will come up
Scarlet sage.
2. Plant a box of candy; what will come up
3. Cupid's arrow; what will come up
Bleeding heart.
4. Some steps
5. Days, months, and years
6. Christmas Eve
Star of Bethlehem.
7. Orange blossoms
Bridal wreath.
8. A sermon
Jack in the pulpit.
9. Cuff on the ear
10. Grief
Weeping willow.
11. Cinderella at midnight
Lady's slipper.
12. A ship that has nowhere to go
Portulaca (port you lack, ah!).
13. Star spangled banner and Union Jack
14. Claws and a roar
Tiger lilies.
15. A Richmond caterpillar
Virginia creeper.
16. Contentment
17. What a married man never has
Batchelor's buttons.
18. Sad beauties
19. Labyrinth
Prince Of Paris
Penny Wise
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