
To play arches, the players must be provided with a board ...

Tether Ball
_2 to 8 players._ _Out of doors._ This is one of the ...

Simon Says
Seat yourselves in a circle and choose one of the company to ...

Hen And Chickens
A leader is chosen for the "hen" and the remainder of the chi...

Hallow-e'en Souvenir Game
Suspend apples by means of strings in doorway or from ceiling...

Cross Questions
The players sit in a circle, and the game begins by one playe...

Old Soldier.
One child, who represents the old soldier, goes around to e...

Spin The Platter
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor; schoolroom._ ...

Bend And Stretch Relay

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_10 to 60 players._


This game consists in a sideways passing of two bean bags and two
dumb-bells alternately. This amount of apparatus should be placed on
the floor in the outer aisle beside each player in one of the outside
rows, say that to the left of the pupils.

On the command "Go!" each player in this first row picks up a
dumb-bell, raises it overhead, and there passes it to his own right
hand, which is then extended sideways at shoulder level, where the
next player takes it. The dumb-bells are passed across the room in
this manner, each player stretching his arms high overhead, when he
passes the bell from his left to his right hand. The last player who
receives the bell places it on the floor beside him in the outer

As soon as the first player has passed the first dumb-bell, he picks
up a bean bag by bending down to the left, then straightens upward,
passes the bag over his head to his own right hand, and then bends
deeply to the right and places the bean bag on the floor at his right
side. He immediately straightens to an erect position, when the next
player bends, takes up the bag, passes it over his head, and bends to
place it on the floor at his right side.

As soon as he has disposed of the first bean bag, the leader of each
line reaches for the second dumb-bell. This time the bell is passed
simply from hand to hand in front of the body instead of overhead.

As soon as the second bell has left his hand, the leader of each line
picks up the second bean bag, which is the last piece of apparatus to
be passed. The passing of the second bean bag is different from that
of the first. The pupils face sideways to the left, their feet resting
in the aisle, and drop the bag behind them to the floor with both
hands, at the same time bending slightly backward. The next player
bends forward, picks up the bag with both hands, and then leans
backward, with his hands stretched high overhead, and drops the bag in
his turn in the aisle behind him. The line wins whose last player
first receives the second bean bag. The player in the last line
receiving this bean bag should stand instantly and hold the bean bag
high overhead, the winning line being selected by this signal.

This game was originated by Mr. Joseph Cermak, of Chicago, and
submitted in a competition for schoolroom games conducted by
the Girls' Branch of the Public Schools Athletic League of New
York City, in 1906. This game was one that received honorable
mention, and is here published by the kind permission of the
author, and of the Girls' Branch, and of Messrs. A. G. Spalding
& Brothers, publishers of the handbook in which the game first

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