Skyte The Bob
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_2 to 10 players._
_Playground; seashore._
The word "skyte" means a sharp, glancing blow, and as
here used indicates the way in which the stones are thrown at
the "bob."
This game is played with buttons and stones. Each player is provided
with one or more buttons called "men." A small, flat stone about the
size of a quarter may be used as a man in place of a button. In
addition, each player is provided with a flat stone called a
"pitcher." A flat stone, small, but somewhat larger than the pitchers,
is placed on the ground as a base on which the men are piled, and is
called the "bob." The game consists in hitting the bob with a pitcher
so as to knock over the pile of men, the men becoming the property of
the thrower or not, according to their position as they fall.
From fifteen to twenty-five feet from the pile of men a line is drawn
from which the players throw. Each player in turn toes the line and
throws his pitcher so as to strike the bob or base under the pile of
men, his object being to make these men fall off. Any men that are
knocked off, and lie nearer to the pitcher where it fell than to the
bob, become the property of the player who threw the pitcher. The
second player then takes his turn, but his play is more difficult than
that of the first player, as any men that he drives nearer to the
first player's pitcher belong to the latter. Any man which lies nearer
to the second player's pitcher, however, than to the bob or to the
first player's pitcher, belongs to this second player. This is
continued by the different players in succession, the player winning
who has the largest number when all of the men are disposed of, or
when all have thrown.
Slap Catch
Skin The Goat
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