
Automobile Relay
Each row represents some popular automobile. The first child ...

Invented Animals
A variation of this game is for the players to draw and descr...

Ducks' Eggs
Ducks' eggs, which are rather larger than hens' eggs, and pal...

Paying Calls
Directions.--A ring of children form the 'house' (see Frontis...

Line Club Bowls Double
_; _Center Club Bowls_; _Circle Club Bowls_.) _2 to 6...

Hindoo Blind Reading
Slips of paper are given to all of the guests and they are in...

Egg Race
Place six hard boiled Easter eggs on each side of the room ab...

The time to see squirrels is September and October, when the ...

Ghosts Of My Friends

Source: What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes

While on the subject of novel albums the "Ghost of My Friends" might
be mentioned. The "ghost" is the effect produced by writing one's
signature with plenty of ink, and while the ink is still very wet,
folding the paper down the middle of the name, lengthwise, and
pressing the two sides firmly together. The result is a curious
symmetrically-shaped figure. Some people prefer "ghosts" to ordinary
signatures in a visitors' book.

The "Book of Butterflies" is on the same order. With the book come
four tubes of paint. The paint is squeezed on the page, which is
doubled and flattened. The effects are very beautiful, and
surprisingly lifelike.

Another guest book is the "Hand-o-graph," in which the outline of the
hand of each guest is kept. The "Thumb-o-graph" is on the same
principle, except that in this case the imprint of the guest's thumb
is preserved, made from an ink pad supplied with the book.

A remarkable collection can be made of ink-blot pictures. A drop of
ink, either round as it naturally falls, or slightly lengthened with a
pen, is dropped on paper which is then folded smartly together and
rubbed flat. The most surprising designs are the result, some of
which, aided a little by the pen, look like landscapes, figures and
complicated geometric designs.

Next: Drawing Tricks

Previous: Eyes-shut Drawings

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