The Whistle
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
This is partly a trick. A player who does not know the game is put in
the middle of the ring, round which a whistle is moving in the way
that the slipper moves in "Hunt the Slipper." The object of the player
in the middle is to discover the person who blew the whistle last.
Meanwhile some one skilfully fixes another whistle on a string to the
player's back, and that is the whistle which is really blown. As it
must always be behind him when it is blown, nothing but the twitching
of the string is likely to help him to discover the blower (and the
trick); and in a small circle where every one is moving and laughing
it takes some time to notice the twitching at all.
He Can Do Little Who Can't Do This
Hunt The Slipper
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