
Redhot Potato.
The "potato" in this game is a knotted handkerchief. One p...

Hog Tie
Two players of equal strength are each given a piece of quart...

Parrots are most companionable pets, and, next to a dog, quit...

Hunt The Slipper.
All the children except one sit on the floor in a circle, w...

Round And Round The Village
_6 to 30 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ ...

Link Race
The group is divided into two teams, and a leader appointed f...

Sow a few seeds of lettuce very thinly in a line once every t...

Club Hustle
The players are lined up in files. The leader of each file...


Source: What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes

A game which is good, quiet fun for a rainy day is Jack-stones.
Although not played much nowadays it is very interesting and is to
indoors what "mumble-the-peg" is to outdoors. It is played usually
with small pieces of iron with six little feet: but it can also be
played with small pebbles all of a size. All kinds of exercises can be
used, many of which you can invent yourself but a few of the commonest
are given below. 1. The five stones are thrown up and caught on the
back of the hand. 2. Four of the stones are held in the hand while one
is thrown up. They must then be laid on the table, or floor, in time
to catch the stone before it comes down. It is then thrown up again,
and the four stones are picked up either one at a time or all
together, and the stone caught again.

Nearly all the exercises are variations of this. One stone is thrown
up and different things must be done quickly with the others before it
falls again.

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