Stage Coach
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_10 to 60 or more players._
_Parlor; schoolroom; gymnasium._
A leader is chosen who has a faculty for telling a story. This leader
gives to each of the players the name of some part of a stage coach or
of its contents. Thus, one may be the whip, one the wheels, one the
cushions, one the windows, others the brake, driver, harness, horses,
passengers, including specifically the fat old gentleman, the woman
with the bandbox, etc.
Where there are many players, several may be given the same name,
though it is desirable that these should not all be seated near
together. The leader then tells a story in which the various parts of
a stage coach are mentioned, and whenever he names one of these parts
or articles, the player or players bearing that name must get up
instantly, whirl around once, and sit down again. Any player failing
to do this must pay a forfeit. Whenever the story teller says "Stage
Coach!" all of the players must get up and turn around. At the end of
this story he will manage to have the stage coach meet with a
catastrophe, and as soon as he says "The stage coach upset!" all of
the players must change seats. The leader takes this opportunity to
secure one for himself, and the player who is left without a seat
becomes leader for the next game, or must distribute the forfeits. For
large numbers there should be several more players than chairs.
The leader may say, for example: "It being a beautiful spring
day, the _old lady with the bandbox_ [here the old lady must
get up and turn around] decided to visit her daughter, and so
took a _seat_ in the _stage coach_ [everybody turns around];
she found the _cushions_ [cushions turn around] very
comfortable until the _fat old gentleman_ [fat old gentleman
turns around] got in, when the place seemed to her very
crowded, and she was glad to open the _windows_; the _driver_
cracked his _whip_, the _wheels_ creaked, the _horses_ strained
at the _harness_, and away they started on their journey," etc.
The interest of the game may be enhanced by connecting the
stage coach, its passengers, and journey with some well-known
story, as of Mr. Pickwick and Sam Weller, or Rebecca of
Sunnybrook Farm.
Stake Guard
Squirrel In Trees
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