Ball Games Alone
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
A boy with a ball need never be very lonely. When tired of catching it
in the ordinary way he can practice throwing the ball straight into
the air until, without his moving from his place, it falls absolutely
on him each time. He can throw it up and catch it behind him, and if
he has two others (or stones will do) he can strive for the juggler's
accomplishment of keeping three things in the air at once. Every boy
should practice throwing with his left hand (or, if he is already
left-handed, with his right): a very useful accomplishment. If it is a
solid india-rubber ball and there is a blank wall, he can make it
rebound at different angles, one good way being, in throwing it, to
let it first hit the ground close to the wall's foot. He may also
pledge himself to catch it first with the right hand and then with the
left for a hundred times; or to bat it up a hundred times with a
tennis racket or a flat bit of board. An interesting game for one is
to mark out a golf course round the garden, making a little hole at
intervals of half a dozen yards or so, and see how many strokes are
needed in going round and getting into each hole on the way.
Ball Games
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