Follies Of Fortune
Games For All Occasions
Let one of the ladies be blindfolded and seated behind a large screen or
curtain or in a tent in an adjoining room which is dimly lighted. A
gypsy tent may be improvised with three long sticks tied together at one
end, the other ends resting on the floor at equal distances forming a
tripod which is covered with a couple of large sheets.
Announce to the guests, "We have secured for your pleasure this evening
that remarkable necromancer, Madam Loof-lirpa. (April fool spelled
backwards.) The madam is the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter
and has the rare and marvelous power of second sight, and while securely
blindfolded she will tell you anything that you have done."
"All are welcome to visit this seeress but only one at a time. Mr. ----
you may come first if you please," (naming one of the gentlemen
Just before ushering the "fated" one into the presence of Madam
Loof-lirpa, inform him that in order to be sure the fortune teller
cannot see through the bandages over her eyes, he should make several
motions or signs or pose before her for a few seconds and then say to
her "Madam, what did I do?"
The Seeress may keep him in suspense a second or two before replying or
may say "I am not quite sure. Please do it again," and finally answer,
"You made a fool of yourself."
Each victim has the privilege of remaining near enough to see the next
one caught.
Follow My Foot-steps
An April First Festival
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