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Author's Initials

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_2 to 60 players._

_Parlor; schoolroom._

Each player is given a piece of paper on which is written various
series or groups of words, each group descriptive of some author, and
each word beginning with one of his initials in regular order. The
player wins who guesses the largest number of authors. The following
are suggested; others may be devised

1. Juveniles firmly conquered (James Fenimore Cooper).
2. Name honored (Nathaniel Hawthorne).
3. Bright humor (Bret Harte).
4. One wholesome humorist (Oliver Wendell Holmes).
5. Really lasting stories (Robert Louis Stevenson).
6. Cheerful laborer (Charles Lamb).
7. Tender, brilliant author (Thomas Bailey Aldrich).
8. Heroism wisely lauded (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow).
9. Just, gentle writer (John Greenleaf Whittier).
10. Poetry bridged skyward (Percy Bysche Shelley).
11. Clever delineator (Charles Dickens).
12. Rare brain (Robert Browning).
13. Weird imagination (Washington Irving).

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