Weather Cock
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_10 to 60 players._
This game, besides offering much sport, may be made to serve a useful
purpose in familiarizing children with the points of the compass.
The class having learned which directions are north, east, south, and
west, one player, who represents the weather bureau, stands in front
of the others (or the teacher may take this part), and calls out which
way the wind blows. For instance, when he says, "The wind blows north"
the players turn quickly toward the north; if he says "west," the
players turn to the west; whenever he says "whirlwind," the players
all spin around quickly three times on the right heel.
The interest will depend very largely on the rapidity and variety with
which the leader calls the various points of the compass. For older
children, halfway points may be named, as northwest, southeast, etc.
Wee Bologna Man
Water Sprite
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