Buying Dogs
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
If you wish to buy a dog, the best way is to get the catalogue of some
big dog show, and find the address of a well-known breeder of the kind
of dog you wish to have. If you write to him and tell him exactly what
you want he will probably send you a suitable puppy at a fair price.
If you think of buying through an advertisement, have the dog on
approval first. Another objection to buying a dog at all casually is
that you will not know either his temper, which is generally
inherited, or his age. In all cases it is best to buy puppies and
train them yourself. This means a good deal of trouble at first, and
takes time and patience, but the younger the puppy the easier he is
to train. The best age is about five weeks old. With constant
attention day and night for a few weeks you will have a perfectly
trained dog who will be a perfect companion to you for years.
Brief descriptions of some of the best known dogs are here given,
beginning with terriers:--
The Bull-terrier
What Is Due To Dogs
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