An Esquimau Village
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
Another class in the same school painted their bricks white to
represent blocks of snow and made an Esquimau village. This is
fascinating and easy to do. Or, the rounded huts can be modeled all in
one piece directly from the clay. Any book describing the life of
dwellers in the Arctic region will tell you how they make their houses
and you can make tiny imitations of them that will be infinite fun to
construct and the admiration of all your friends when finished.
Cotton-wool can be used for snow (powdered isinglass also is pretty),
and bits of broken mirror for ice-ponds. Little sleds can be made on
which to put your Esquimau hunter, who may be one of the
white-fur-clad dolls so cheaply bought in toy-stores. Or you can model
a little doll just the right size to be entering the door of your tiny
rounded white hut.
A Filipino Village
A Pueblo Settlement
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