
Basting The Bear
This is another silly game. A boy, who is called the "Bear," ...

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_; _Center Club Bowls_; _Circle Club Bowls_.) _2 to 6...

Jenkins Up!
Divide the company into two sides. One division sits around...

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The guests are requested to bring something wrapped up in p...

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Indian Games
INTRODUCTION.--All the games here presented have been played ...

Ring Call Ball
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ ...

Russian Hole Ball

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
Category: BALL GAMES

_3 to 10 players._

_Out of doors; seashore; snow._

_Ball; bean bag; stone._

This game is played with one small ball, in size anywhere from that of
a golf to a tennis ball. If played in the snow, a hard frozen snowball
may be used, or a stone will do.

A series of holes is made in the ground, sand, or snow, large enough
to contain the ball. These holes are placed in a straight line, one
beyond the other, about three feet apart, there being as many holes
as there are players. All holes are numbered, corresponding to the
numbers of the players, from one to ten, or whatever the maximum may
be. About ten feet from the first hole, and at right angles to the
row, a straight line is drawn on the ground, behind which the players
stand to throw. The first player stands directly in line with the row
of holes and throws for one of them. This is a toss of the ball. The
ball scores for the player according to the number of the hole in
which it falls, and this number also designates the next player. For
instance, if the ball falls in the third hole, it scores three for the
first player, who at once gives place to Number Three, who in turn has
one throw. Should this ball fall in hole number five, it scores five
for this player, and the fifth player will have the next turn. The
game may be played according to score, the one first scoring
twenty-five or fifty winning; or it may be played according to time,
the one having the highest score at the end of fifteen or twenty
minutes being the winner.

This is one of the few games that may be adapted to the snow or to the
damp sand of the seashore, though it may be played anywhere out of
doors where holes can be dug.

This game comes from the Russian province of Bessarabia, which
formerly belonged to Turkey.

Next: Schoolroom Volley Ball

Previous: Round Ball

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