
Sheep Gathering
Two rows of children are formed facing each other, with a lon...

Bean Bag And Basket Relay
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ Each player is prov...

Squirrel In Trees
_10 to 100 players._ _Schoolroom; playground; gymnasium....

I Have A Basket.
One child begins by saying: "I have a basket." The one to h...

Catch The Cane
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; scho...

Plug In The Ring
This is the universal game that boys play with tops. A ring s...

No boy should be unable to swim, because it is essential t...

Home Run
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ _Gas balls or bean ...

Choosing Sides

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

For many games the players are divided into two
opposing groups or teams. When there is no special leader or captain
for each group, some of the above methods of counting-out or choosing
are used for assigning players to one side or the other. In most
games, however, where there are opposing groups, a captain or leader
is first selected. This part sometimes goes to the person who first
shouts for it, but it is more usual for the players to choose
captains, as special qualities are generally needed in persons in that
position, and even young children are glad to place themselves under
strong leadership. Captains or leaders, however, may be chosen by any
of the previously mentioned methods, or they may be selected by a
teacher or leader.

Two captains or leaders having been chosen, each chooses his own
players, the choice being made alternately one at a time, the first
captain selected generally having first choice. A good captain will
select his players for the playing qualities needed in the particular
game to be played. These qualities will vary in different games, and
different players may be chosen for excellence in one particular
direction, such as swift running, agile dodging, boldness in giving
dares and taking risks; in ball games, skill in catching or throwing,
or other forms of play; and in all games, the ability to "play fair,"
and to cooeperate generously and with good temper. A player may be
unskillful, and yet very valuable as a general helper if he possesses
the qualities for cooeperation. The unpopular player is nearly always a
selfish person, one who disregards rules or tries to win unfairly.
Aside from the general contempt engendered by such qualities, a player
having them is undesirable because he gets his side into disputes or
runs a greater risk of increasing the opponent's score with fouls.

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