Category: Appendix

All troops must be kept supplied with food, ammunition, and forage. The
players must give up, every six moves, one packet of food per thirty
men; one packet of forage per six horses; one packet of ammunition per
thirty infantry which fire for six consecutive moves.

These supplies, at the time when they are given up, must be within six
feet of the infantry they belong to and eighteen feet of the cavalry.

Isolated bodies of less than thirty infantry require no supplies--a
body is isolated if it is more than twelve feet off another body. In
calculating supplies for infantry the fractions either count as thirty
if fifteen or over, or as nothing if less than fifteen. Thus forty-six
infantry require two packets of food or ammunition; forty-four infantry
require one packet of food.

N.B.--Supplies are not effective if enemy is between supplies and troops
they belong to.

Men surrounded and besieged must be victualled at the following rate:--

One packet food for every thirty men for every six moves.

One packet forage every six horses for every six moves.

In the event of supplies failing, horses may take the place of food, but
not of course of forage; one horse to equal one packet.

In the event of supplies failing, the following consequences ensue:--

Infantry without ammunition cannot fire (guns are supposed to have
unlimited ammunition with them).

Infantry, cavalry, R.A., and R.E. cannot move without supply--if
supplies are not provided within six consecutive moves, they are out
of action.

A force surrounded must surrender four moves after eating its last

Now as to Destructions:

To destroy a railway bridge R.E. take two moves; to repair, R.E. take
ten moves.

To destroy a railway culvert R.E. take one move; to repair R.E. take
five moves. To destroy a river road bridge R.E. take one move; to
repair, R.E. take five moves.

A supply depot can be destroyed by one man in two moves, no matter how
large (by fire).

Four men can destroy the contents of six waggons in one move.

A contact mine can be placed on a road or in any place by two men in six
moves; it will be exploded by the first pieces passing over it, and will
destroy everything within six inches radius.*

Next as to Constructions:

Entrenchments can be made by infantry in four moves.* They are to be
strips of wood two inches high tacked to the country, or wooden bricks
two inches high. Two men may make an inch of entrenchment.

Epaulements for guns may be constructed at the rate of six men to one
epaulement in four moves.*

[* Notice to be given to umpire of commencement of any work or the
placing of a mine. In event of no umpire being available, a folded
note must be put on the mantelpiece when entrenchment is commenced,
and opponent asked to open it when the trench is completed or the
mine exploded.]


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