
Railway Competitions
Two persons can have good competitions. They can agree before...

Some More Fates.
In addition to the regulation "bobbing for apples," "floati...

Composite Scrapbooks
Sometimes it happens that you get very tired of one of the pi...

Elimination Race
An equal number of chalk marks are made upon the floor in fro...

Push Ball
A game usually played on foot but sometimes on horseback, in ...

Cake Sale
_Any number._ _Parlor._ Each player is given a card o...

Jumping Lighted Candle
Place a lighted candle in middle of floor, not too securely p...

Jacob And Rachel
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; parl...

Wool Balls

Source: What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes

Cut out two rings of cardboard, of whatever size you like, from one
inch in diameter up to about four inches. A four-inch ring would make
as large a ball as one usually needs, and a one-inch ring as small a
one as could be conveniently made. The rim of the largest rings should
not be wider than half an inch. Take a ball of wool and, placing the
cardboard rings together, tie the end of it firmly round them. Then
wind the wool over the rings, moving them round and round to keep it
even. At first you will be able to push the ball through the rings
easily, but as the wool is wound the hole will grow smaller and
smaller, until you have to thread the wool through with a needle. To
do this it is necessary to cut the wool into lengths, which you must
be careful to join securely. Go on until the hole is completely filled
and you cannot squeeze another needle through. Then slip a pair of
scissors between the two rings and cut the wool all round them; and
follow this up quickly by slipping a piece of string also between them
and tying it tightly round the wool that is in their midst. This is to
keep the loose ends, which were made directly you cut the wool with
the scissors, from coming out. All that is now necessary is to pull
out the cardboard rings and shape the ball a little in your hands. The
tighter the wool was bound round the cards, the smaller and harder the
ball will be and the more difficult will it be to cut the wool neatly
and tie it. Therefore, and especially as the whole purpose of a wool
ball is softness and harmlessness, it is better to wind the wool
loosely and to use thick wool rather than thin.

Next: Wool Demons

Previous: Ferns

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