What Will You Do For Your Country
Games For All Occasions
The players are seated in a row or circle except the leader who is
seated in the center of the group. The leader begins the game by asking
the first one "What will you do for your country." The player must reply
immediately with a word beginning with the letter "A" such as admire it,
adore it, aid it, act for it, etc., etc. If he does not reply promptly
he must pay a forfeit or he must pay a forfeit if he uses a word which
would show disloyalty to his country such as antagonize it, abhor it,
etc. etc.
The same question is put to each player to answer with a word beginning
with the letter "A." Then ask the first player again, "What will you do
for your country." This time the reply must begin with the letter "B"
such as battle, beg, bawl or be brave for it. The next time use the
letter "C" and so on through the alphabet.
Rally Round The Flag
Fourth Of July
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