
Step By Step
A bean bag or soft ball is needed for this game. All of the g...

INTRODUCTORY NOTE.--This game belongs to the class of guess...

Japanese Crab Race
_2 to 60 or more players._ _Gymnasium; playground._ I...

Catch The Cane
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; scho...

Hunt The Slipper
The players seat themselves in a circle on the floor, having ...

"the Red Coats"
Divide the group into two equal teams. One team is called the...

Sight Unseen.
Partners may be chosen in any way for this game. The host g...

The Circus
All ready for the big circus parade. Choose what you want to ...


Source: The Book Of Sports
Category: GARDENING.

Gardens will always produce a great deal more than is wished for, in the
shape of various herbs, shrubs, and plants, called weeds; such as
dandelions, couch-grass, cow-parsley, chick-weed, and many other plants,
which go by the general name of _weeds_. These, if left to their own
natural growth, would soon cover the ground, and take away from the
garden plants the nutriment in the soil designed for them, besides
entangling their roots, stems, and leaves; therefore, weeding is as
indispensable as digging. The young gardener should make up his mind
before he sets foot in his garden to have _no weeds in it_; for however
assiduous he may have been in other respects, however he may have
planted, watered, dug, or attended to his garden, if it show a crop of
weeds, he is a bad gardener, and will be sure to get laughed at. Weeds
may either be pulled up by the hand or cut up by the hoe. In both cases,
the roots must be eradicated. They must not be plucked from the stem, or
cut from the level ground by the edge of the hoe, but hoed or plucked
up, root and all; and after they are got up, they are not be left about
in the ridges to take root and grow again, but must be cleared away and
safely put into the pit, never again to rise, but in the chemistry of
good manure.

Next: Planting And Sowing

Previous: Digging

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