Apple Seeds Charms
Games For All Occasions
Apple seeds act as charms on Hallow-e'en. Stick one on each eyelid and
name one "Home" and the other "Travel." If seed named travel stays on
longer, you will go on a journey before year expires. If "Home" clings
better, you will remain home. Again, take all the apple seeds, place
them on back of outspread left hand and with loosely clenched right hand
strike palm of left. This will cause some, if not all, of seeds to fall.
Those left on hand show number of letters you will receive the coming
fortnight. Should all seeds drop, you must wait patiently for your mail.
Put twelve apple seeds carefully one side while you cut twelve slips of
blank paper exactly alike, and on one side of each write name of friend.
Turn them all over with blanks uppermost and mix them so that you will
not know which is which; then, holding seeds in your left hand, repeat:
"One I love,
Two I love,
Three I love I say;
Four I love with all my heart
Five I cast away.
Six he loves,
Seven she loves,
Eight they both love;
Nine he comes,
Ten he tarries,
Eleven he courts and
Twelve he marries."
Stop at each line to place a seed on a paper, and turn slip over to
discover name of one you love or cast away. Continue matching apple
seeds with papers as you count, until all twelve seeds and twelve papers
are used.
After Dinner Games For Thanksgiving Day
Flour Test
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