Chair Passing Race
School, Church, and Home Games
A box can be used instead of a chair in this event. All of the players
are asked to face to the right. A chair is given to the man at the
right hand end of the line to sit upon. All of the others remain
standing. At the signal to go, he picks up the chair, and passes it to
his left hand neighbor who receives it and passes it on to his left
hand neighbor and so the chair is passed until it gets to the player at
the left end of the line. He, upon receiving it, places it upon the
ground and sits upon it, lifting both feet from the ground. Then,
picking up the chair, he runs to the rear of his line until he gets to
the other end. There again he sits upon the chair, raising both feet
from the ground, and then starts passing it to the left. So when every
man in the line has run to the right with the chair in turn, the last
man ends the race when he sits upon it at the right hand end of the
Chair Sitting Race
Chair Relay
Viewed 4358