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Club Bowls
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All Up Relay
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I Love My Love With An A
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Johnny Ride A Pony
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Cat And Mouse
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Other Garden Games
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Thimble Game

Source: Games Without Music For Children

Each child should have a thimble, and the teacher should have one also.
A short conversation about the thimble should precede the game--how it
is smooth inside and rough outside. What makes it rough? What are the
little holes for? Which is the rim? &c.

(The teacher, if facing the children, should use the left hand for

[1]Pretty little thimble,
[2]In your cradle go,
[3]I will rock you gently,
Gently to and fro.

Now I [4]toss and [5]catch you,
[6]Up and down and [7]up;
[8]Next I hold my thimble
Like a little cup.

[9]On the right thumb place it,
Is that right? [10]oh, no!
[11]On your longest finger
[12]Should the thimble go.

[1] Hold thimble up between thumb and forefinger of right hand.

[2] Put thimble in left hand, which should be held palm upward and bent
to form a cradle.

[3] Sway left hand from left to right.

[4, 5, 6, 7] Toss thimble and catch it.

[8] Hold thimble, rim upwards, between thumb and forefinger of left

[9] Place thimble on right thumb.

[10] Take thimble off.

[11] Hold up middle finger of right hand.

[12] Place thimble on proper finger.


(N.B. In this game, as in No. 8, the teacher, as she faces the scholars,
should use her left hand each time the children use the right.)

If the children have been taught the use of the thimble (Game No. 8),
they should wear it during this game.


Little children, clean and bright,
Show your [1]left hand, show your [2]right,
[3]Left forefinger, that will do,
[4]Place your sewing round it, so.

[5]Needle in your right hand hold,
All should do just what is told;
When the number One I call,
[6]Take a stitch, dear children all.

[7]Two, we show the stitch so neat,
[8]Just to see it is a treat.
[9]Three, we push the needle's eye
With our thimble carefully.

[10]Four, we draw the needle out,
Minding well what we're about.
Thread from needle need not slip,
If a good look-out we keep.

After practising this game several times, the children will be ready for
the sewing drill given on p. 270, 'Kindergarten Guide.'

[1] Hold left hand up.

[2] Hold right hand up.

[3] Hold up forefinger of left hand vertically.

[4] Hem of pinafore or pocket handkerchief to be placed round left

[5] Hold up right hand with thumb and forefinger in position as if
holding needle.

[6] Pretend to take a stitch.

[7] Hold up sewing with both hands.

[8] Hem in position (see No. 4).

[9] Pretend to push needle (which is supposed to be in the hem) with

[10] Pretend to draw needle out.

Next: Knitting Game

Previous: Tying A Bow

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Game Sources

Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
The Book Of Sports
Ciphers For The Little Folks
Games For Everybody
School, Church, And Home Games
Games For Halloween
Games For All Occasions
Games And Play For School Morale
Indian Games
Games Without Music For Children
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
Outdoor Sports And Games

Game Categories

Games For Adults
Games For Special Days.
Feats And Forfeits
Eighth Grade
Quiet Games
Zigzag Games
Group Games For Adults
Ball Games
Washington's Birthday
Games For The Home
Ball Games
Thinking, Guessing, And Acting Games
Games For A Story Play Hour
Outdoor Games For Boys
Lincoln's Birthday
Schoolroom Games For Intermediate Pupils
Balls And Bean Bags
Fourth Grade
Games For Children
Second Grade
Playhouses Of Other Peoples
Games With Marbles.
Outdoor Games For Boys
Games For Adults
Rainy-day Games
Suggestion For Conducting Play Leaders' Training Class
Schoolroom Games For Advanced And High School Pupils
Games For Cold Weather.
Table And Card Games
Guessing Games
Writing Games
Games For The Playground
Schoolyard Games For Intermediate Pupils
One Hundred Outdoor Games
First Grade
Picnic Games
Outdoor Games For Older Boys And Young Men
Sociable Games For Young People
Bean Bag And Oat Sack Games
St. Valentine's Day
Games For The Schoolroom
Keeping Poultry.
Hazard Games
Fifth Grade
In The Train Or During A Wait At A Railway Station
After Dinner Games For Christmas
Graded Games For Schools And Community Recreation
In The Country
Trick Games For Sociables
Dangerous Games.
New Year's Day
Singing Games
Out For A Walk
Third Grade
Competitive Stunts
Outdoor Games For Girls
Fourth Of July
Stunt Athletic Meet
Schoolyard Games For Primary Pupils
April Fool's Day
Schoolyard Games For Advanced And High School Pupils
Dolls' Houses
Counting-out; Choosing Sides
Dolls' Houses And Dolls Of Cardboard And Paper
Miscellaneous Active Games
Playing Alone, And Games In Bed
At The Seaside
Seventh Grade
Sixth Grade
Schoolroom Games For Primary Pupils
Ice Breakers For Sociables
Games At The Dining Table
A County Fair Play Festival
May Day
Games Of Strength
Games For A Party
Sociable Games For Grownups
Drawing Games
Games And Pastimes For Washington's Birthday
Games For Tiny Tots
Racing Games For Picnics
Indoor Occupations And Things To Make
For The Younger Children
An Indoor Sports Fair