The Book Of Sports
This game is something similar to another very good game called
"Warning," which may be played by any number of players. One begins the
game in the same manner as in "Stag Out," repeating the following
words,--"Warning once, warning twice, warning thrice--A bushel of wheat,
and a bushel of rye, when the cock crows, out jump I--Cock a doodle
doo." He then runs out and touches the first he can overtake, who
returns to bounds with him. The two then join hands and sally forth, and
touch a third, who joins hands with the other two: again they sally
hand-in-hand, the two outside ones touching as many as they can.
Immediately a player is touched, they must break hands and run back to
the bounds. If any of the out-players can catch any of those who held
hands, they may ride them back to their bounds. When three are touched,
he who first begins the game has the privilege of joining the
out-players, whose object is always to break the line.
Mouse In The Corner
Stag Out
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