Tug Of War
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
This is properly an outdoor game, but in a big room indoors it is all
right. The two sides should be even in numbers, at any rate in the
first pull. In the middle of the rope a handkerchief is tied, and
three chalk lines a yard apart are made on the floor. The sides then
grasp the rope, the captain of each side, whose duty it is to
encourage his men by cheering cries, having his hands about a yard and
a half from the handkerchief. The rope is then trimmed by the umpire
until the handkerchief comes exactly over the middle one of the three
lines. On the word being given, each side has to try and pull the rope
so that the handkerchief passes over the chalk line nearest it. The
best of three decides the victory. For the sake of sport it is better,
if one side is much weaker than the other, to add to it until the
balance of strength is pretty even.
High Skip
Hat And Cards
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