
May Pole Dance
If this entertainment is to be out-of-doors a long pole is er...

The Stage Coach
The leader tells every member of the company to choose as a n...

Puss In A Corner
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Schoolroom; playground; gymn...

Fox And Geese
One player is chosen to be fox, another to be gander. The rem...

Contests Of Skill.
Lewis and Clarke [Footnote: Vol. II, p. 140.] describe a ga...

Hiding Ring Thimble And Penny
Hide ring, thimble and penny in room. To one who finds ring, ...

Aviation Meet
Three pupils constitute a team. Two are mechanicians, one the...

Wand Tug Of War
_10 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This ga...

Scrapbooks For Hospitals

Source: What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes

Children that are ill are often too weak to hold up a large book and
turn over the leaves. There are two ways of saving them this exertion
and yet giving them pleasure from pictures. One is to get several
large sheets of cardboard and cover them with pictures and scraps on
both sides, and bind them round with ribbon. These can be enclosed in
a box and sent to the matron. She will distribute the cards among the
children, and when they have looked at each thoroughly they can
exchange it for another. Another way is to use folding books which are
more easy to hold than ordinary turning-over ones, and you can make
them at home very simply by covering half a dozen or more cards of the
same size (post-cards make capital little books) with red linen, and
then sewing them edge to edge so as to get them all in a row. In
covering the cards with the linen--red is not compulsory, but it is a
good color to choose--it is better to paste it on as well as to sew it
round the three edges (a fold will come on one side), because then
when you stick on the pictures they will not cockle up. Pictures for
hospital scrapbooks should be bright and gay. Colored ones are best,
but if you cannot get them already colored you can paint them.
Painting a scrapbook is one of the best of employments.

Next: Composite Scrapbooks

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