
Poison Circle
The group marches in couples around the room while a march is...

The game of plain, old-fashioned Tag may be made great...

A number of bags are suspended in such a way as to hang four ...

Drop The Bean Bag Or Handkerchief
Players join hands and form a circle. One is chosen to be the...

Provide all the guests with pencil and paper. The hostess ...

One or two players go out. The others sit in line and choose ...

In this game a player stands blindfolded and another player c...

_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground._ All of the p...

May-day Fete

Source: Games For All Occasions
Category: MAY DAY

A Japanese fete is suitable for a May Day affair, especially for a large
affair where house and grounds can be utilized. The hostess who wishes
to carry out the Japanese idea correctly will study a book on Japanese
customs. She will find it an easy matter to make her grounds attractive
on this idea. Cross two long bamboo fishing poles over the gate and hang
two fancy lanterns therefrom. Make a path from gate to house by setting
up wooden pedestals surmounted by lanterns (this is the approach to the
Japanese temples); suspended. Outline the veranda with the lanterns,
suspend large ones in doors and windows, and burn red fire in dark
corners of the lawn. Have fans passed by small boys in Japanese costume.
Have all waiters in the house dressed as Japanese waiters.

In fixing up the house, take into consideration the Japanese love for
flowers and that they have several floral feasts. The flowers can be
made from paper. Let one room represent the cherry blossoms, the great
flower of Japan. Use the pink cherry blossoms everywhere, against the
walls, from chandelier and in the hair of the ladies. Serve cherry ice
and small cakes decorated with candied cherries, and cherry phosphate or
punch in this room. The wisteria is another flower which is cultivated
in great quantities in Japan. This room should be in lavender, and if it
is impossible to secure the wisteria for a pattern, show Japanese
photographs or have Japanese tableaux, a reading from "Madame
Butterfly," or "The Japanese Nightingale," and give tiny fans tied with
violet ribbon in this room. In August the Japanese have their feast of
the lotus and the pond lily can be used in decoration of one room. Have
everything here green and white. Use the water-lily and its broad leaves
in a frieze around the room and in a wreath about the table. For the
table decoration use tiny dwarf plants in odd jardiniers surmounting an
"island" made of rocks. Mirrors can be used about the base of this rocky
pile and a miniature garden laid out with tiny shells, white pebbles,
and the sprigs. The Japanese delight in making these miniature landscape
gardens in the smallest possible space; the dwarf trees, but a few
inches high, are the wonder of tourists.

In this room serve white sandwiches tied with red ribbons. These may be
chicken, Neufchatel cheese, chopped almonds and Brazil nuts, peanuts,
lettuce with white mayonnaise. Serve white ice cream, in scarlet tissue
cups, and cake. Decorate the squares of white cake with round red

candies in imitation of the flag of Japan. The imperial flag is the gold
ball on a red field, the national flag a red sun on a white field and
the man-of-war flag, a red sun with rays on a white field. Iced tea may
be served in this room.

A fancy dress party, each person representing a flower would be a pretty
idea for May Day. Dancing, according to history, was the favorite
pastime on this occasion and would be very appropriate at the present

Next: Variegated Roses

Previous: May Pole Dance

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