Plug the Hole
School, Church, and Home Games
SCHOOLYARD GAMES For Advanced and High School Pupils
The players form in a circle with their legs in a stride position,
their toes touching those of the next player. The one who is "It" takes
his place in the centre of the circle. A partner to "It" takes his
place on the outside of the circle. "It" is given a salt bag stuffed
with saw dust or an old basketball cover stuffed with rags or some
similar object. "It" endeavors to throw the stuffed bag between the
legs of any of the players making up the circle. The players in the
circle must keep their hands upon their knees until they see the bag
coming towards them. They can then intercept it with their hands but
are not allowed to move their feet. Should "It" succeed in throwing the
bag between the legs of any player, his partner on the outside may
capture it and endeavor to throw it back into the circle by the same
method by which it came out, while the one between whose legs the bag
was thrown takes "It's" place. Should "It's" partner on the outside
succeed in throwing the ball into the circle between the legs of any
player, that player takes the partner's place on the outside.
Partner Swat Tag
Fox and Geese
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