
The Mirror
Walk backward several feet out of doors in moonlight with mir...

One bowl is filled with clear water, another with wine, a thi...

Slap Jack
(Herr Slap Jack; Skipaway) _10 to 30 or more players._ ...

Introductory Note.--Games of the "subjective" class, designat...

"Proverbs" is a game that will always remain popular. One of ...

Donkey's Tail
A good-sized donkey without a tail is first of all cut out of...

Rhyming Lights
In this game one player thinks of a word and gives the others...

Splitting Rails
Guests are to be supplied with pencils and papers containing ...


Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_10 to 60 or more players._

_Indoors; out of doors._

This game is the boys' form of the game played by girls as "Old Woman
from the Woods." The players divide into two equal parties. One party
retires and decides on some trade or occupation, whereupon they
advance toward the second party, saying

"Here are some men from Botany Bay.
Got any work to give us to-day?"

The second party asks, "What can you do?" The first party answers,
"Anything." The second party says, "Set to work, then!" whereupon they
go through pantomimic motions descriptive of the occupation chosen,
such as planing, sawing, or hammering, for the carpenter; the motions
of the bricklayer, tailor, cobbler, motor-man, etc. The second party
guesses what this pantomime indicates. Should they guess correctly,
they have a turn at representing a trade. Should they fail, the first
party has another trial.

When played in a playground or gymnasium, where there is a good
running space, a successful guess should be followed by a chase of the
actors by the guessing party, any players caught before a designated
goal line is reached having to join the party of their captors. The
party wins which secures all of the players.

The following activities and occupations were shown by one
class of city boys: milking cows, grinding coffee, hanging wall
paper, traveling salesmen (displaying and measuring goods),
rooting a baseball team, Marathon race, picking cherries,
basket-ball game, oiling sewing machine, blowing up bicycle
tires, running a lawn mower, bricklaying.

Next: Tree Party

Previous: Tossing Wands

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Games And Play For School Morale
Games For Halloween
Indian Games
Games For All Occasions
School, Church, And Home Games
Ciphers For The Little Folks
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
Games Without Music For Children
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
Outdoor Sports And Games
Games For Everybody

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Eighth Grade
Quiet Games
Zigzag Games
Group Games For Adults
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Washington's Birthday
Games For The Home
Ball Games
Thinking, Guessing, And Acting Games
Games For A Story Play Hour
Outdoor Games For Boys
Lincoln's Birthday
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Balls And Bean Bags
Fourth Grade
Games For Children
Second Grade
Playhouses Of Other Peoples
Games With Marbles.
Outdoor Games For Boys
Games For Adults
Rainy-day Games
Suggestion For Conducting Play Leaders' Training Class
Schoolroom Games For Advanced And High School Pupils
Games For Cold Weather.
Table And Card Games
Guessing Games
Writing Games
Games For The Playground
Schoolyard Games For Intermediate Pupils
One Hundred Outdoor Games
First Grade
Picnic Games
Outdoor Games For Older Boys And Young Men
Sociable Games For Young People
Bean Bag And Oat Sack Games
St. Valentine's Day
Games For The Schoolroom
Keeping Poultry.
Hazard Games
Fifth Grade
In The Train Or During A Wait At A Railway Station
After Dinner Games For Christmas
Graded Games For Schools And Community Recreation
In The Country
Trick Games For Sociables
Dangerous Games.
New Year's Day
Singing Games
Out For A Walk
Third Grade
Competitive Stunts
Outdoor Games For Girls
Fourth Of July
Stunt Athletic Meet
Schoolyard Games For Primary Pupils
April Fool's Day
Schoolyard Games For Advanced And High School Pupils
Dolls' Houses
Counting-out; Choosing Sides
Dolls' Houses And Dolls Of Cardboard And Paper
Miscellaneous Active Games
Playing Alone, And Games In Bed
At The Seaside
Seventh Grade
Sixth Grade
Schoolroom Games For Primary Pupils
Ice Breakers For Sociables
Games At The Dining Table
A County Fair Play Festival
May Day
Games Of Strength
Games For A Party
Sociable Games For Grownups
Drawing Games
Games And Pastimes For Washington's Birthday
Games For Tiny Tots
Racing Games For Picnics
Indoor Occupations And Things To Make
For The Younger Children
An Indoor Sports Fair