The Blacksmith
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
It may be that while you are at the farm the day will come for having
the horses shod, and you may go with them to the blacksmith. The
blacksmith is of course a very important person to be friends with;
and people are very fortunate if their lodgings in the country are
close to a smithy. Some blacksmiths permit their friends to stand
right inside the smithy, instead of just at the door, where strangers
have to stay. Perhaps the blacksmith will ask you to blow his bellows
while he is making a horseshoe, and it may happen that if he has not
much work on hand he will make you a hoop that will be far cheaper
and stronger than a bought one (see p. 169). In hot weather the flies
are so troublesome to horses which are being shod, and make them so
restless, that some one has to stand beside them and brush the flies
away with a green branch. This job might fall to you.
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