
_10 to 60 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ ...

Making scrapbooks is always a pleasant and useful employment,...

Hide In Sight
In this game all of the pupils except one are sent from the r...

Drawing-room Acrobatics
There are various feats which can be performed in a small roo...

Hot And Cold
The same game is played under the name of "Hot and Cold." In ...

A Pueblo Settlement
Suppose now that you have been reading about the life of the ...

Nuts To Crack
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The Cook Who Doesn't Like Peas
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Tongue Twisters

Source: Games For All Occasions

The leader begins by saying the first sentence, which is repeated by
each player in turn. The leader in every case adds the new line, which
is repeated by the other players in succession. Anyone making a mistake
or omission drops out of the contest. As the ranks grow thinner, the
players are required to repeat the sentences more rapidly, and no time
for hesitation allowed. The one who makes no mistake is entitled to a

The sentences are as follows:

1. One old ox opening oysters.

2. Two tall Turks twirling twisted turbans.

3. Three tinkering tailors totally tired.

4. Four fat Frenchmen fanning a fainting fly.

5. Five funny farmers feeding feathered fowls.

6. Six slippery snails slid slowly seaward.

7. Seven shy soldiers shooting salted salmon.

8. Eight eccentric Englishmen exhibiting educated elephants.

9. Nine nimble noblemen nibbling nasturtiums.

10. Ten tipsy tailors toddling timidly together.

Next: Trades

Previous: The Sea King

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