General Directions
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
Butter the dish into which the candy is to be poured before you begin
to cook. To do this put a little piece of butter on a piece of clean
soft paper and rub it all over the dish.
Always stir round the edge as well as the middle of the saucepan. Stir
slowly but continually, for candy burns very quickly if left alone.
The flavoring should be added just before taking the saucepan off the
To find out if your taffy or candy has boiled long enough, drop a
little in the cup of cold water. If it at once becomes crisp and hard,
it is done.
Before your candy is quite cold, mark it with a silver knife into
squares. This will make it break up more easily and neatly when cold.
Barley Sugar
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