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The Coach Game

Source: Games Without Music For Children


x x x x
13 14 15 16

x x
11 12

x x
9 10

x x x x
5 6 7 8

x x x x
1 2 3 4]

The 'coach' is formed by children standing in position as shown on
diagram. All the children face the same way. 1, 2, 3, 4 are 'horses' and
join hands behind, as in 'Bell-horses'; 5, 6, 7, 8 join hands to make
the front part of the 'coach'; '5' holds the coat of 'horse' No. 1 with
right hand, while '8' holds coat of '4' with left; 9, 10, 11, 12 each
hold the dress of the child standing in front; 13, 14, 15, 16 join
hands; '13' catches hold of No. 11 with right hand, and '16' holds the
dress of No. 12 with left. When the 'coach' is ready, the 'driver' (a
boy) repeats the lines:

Here is my coach, who'll come and ride?
The door, you see, is open wide.

Four 'passengers' advance, and the 'driver' makes way for them to enter
the 'coach' between '10' and '12,' saying:

Jump in quick! quick! not long we stay,
Then ready! steady! right away!

The 'door' is closed by '12' again grasping the dress of '10,' and the
'coach' moves off. The 'horses' should not go very quickly, else the
'coach' will probably lose its shape. The 'passengers' walk along with
the 'coach' until their destination is reached, when the 'driver' opens
the door and allows them to alight.

The above game may be played in conjunction with Nos. 25, 26 and 27.

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