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Single Relay Race

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_10 to 100 players._

_Playground; gymnasium._

This game differs from the track event known as a Relay Race.
The form here given is one of the best for engaging in
strenuous exercise all of a large number of players in a
limited playing space.

A wall or fence is chosen for a goal, or a line may be drawn across
the ground for this purpose, or a goal object may be placed for each
team, around which each player on the team must run. From fifty to a
hundred feet back of this goal, or objective point, and parallel to
it, a line is drawn to serve as a starting line.

The players are divided into two or more groups of equal numbers. Each
group lines up in single file behind the starting line. If possible,
there should be at least five feet distance sideways between the
files. The first player of each file stands toeing the starting line,
and at a signal runs forward to the goal, touches it with his hand if
it be a wall or fence, or with his foot if it be a line on the ground,
or runs around it if it be an object. He then runs back to his line
and touches the outstretched hand of the next player (called "touching
off"), who should have moved forward to toe the starting line. As soon
as this touch is received, this player in turn runs forward, touches
the goal, and returns in the same way. Each player as he returns
leaves the playing space at the rear. The file moves up one place
each time that a runner starts, so that the next player will toe the
starting line.

The file wins whose last runner is first to dash across the starting
line on his return run. If desired, each runner may hold a flag in his
hand and pass it to the next player, instead of merely touching the
hand. This flag should not be on a stick, which is dangerous for the
runner receiving it.

Starting over the line before being touched by a returning runner is a
foul. Where athletic procedure is not observed, this starting over the
line may be penalized by having the transgressor go back and start
over again. In an athletic event it disqualifies the team, unless the
competing teams have made an equal or greater number of fouls.

Where this game is played in strict athletic form, the first
start is made in response to the usual signals: (1) "On your
mark!" (2) "Get set!" (or "Get ready!") (3) "Go!" In
competitive events of this sort, crossing the starting line
before being touched off is a foul; also touching a goal object
around which the players may have to run. There should be a
judge of fouls for each team and two judges at the finish. The
team wins which finishes first with the fewest number of fouls,
as explained for the Potato Race. The simple "touch-off," and
not the handing of flags, is customary in athletic procedure.

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