
Laying The Breakfast-table
1. SPREAD the cloth--this is the way, Cups and saucer...

Provide each player with slips of paper and pencil. The hos...

Sheep Gathering
Two rows of children are formed facing each other, with a lon...

_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ ...

This And That
A confederate is necessary for this trick. The one performing...

Over And Under Relay
_10 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom....

Jumbled Words
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. Each pupil in the...

Cross Questions
_10 to 60 players._ _Parlor; schoolroom._ All but one...

Rolling Target

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_2 to 30 players._

_Gymnasium; playground._

This game consists in shooting or hurling through a rolling hoop a
stick or gymnasium wand. The hoop may be from six inches to two feet
in diameter. The smaller hoop is adapted only to expert players; it is
well to begin with a hoop the size of a barrel hoop.

Where there are numerous players, they are divided into opposing
teams, which alternate in throwing at the target (hoop). These players
take places at intervals of about five feet along one side of the
playground, each holding a spear (stick) to hurl at the hoop as it
passes him. Another player stands at one end of the ground and sends
the hoop rolling the full length of the space covered by the playing
team; its course should be from ten to twenty feet distant from the
line-up of the team and parallel to the latter.

As the hoop passes him, each player in turn hurls his spear at it.
This is best done with the spear held horizontally at a height of
about the middle of the hoop. Each spear that successfully goes
through the hoop scores one point for its team. Each team has three
rounds, and then gives place to the opponents. The team first scoring
one hundred points wins the game.

When there are not enough players to put into teams, each player
scores independently, the first to make twenty points winning.

For obvious reasons of safety, no player should be allowed on the side
toward which the spears are hurled. This game may be played capitally
with bean bags instead of sticks.

This is an adaptation of one of the hoop and pole games played
by the North American Indians, and is almost the only game of
theirs that has not been previously adopted by the whites. The
instant success of the game with boys, who ask to stay after
school to play it, would indicate a valuable acquisition.
Different tribes of Indians play with different sized hoops,
the illustration showing a very small one. The author is
indebted for this to the remarkable collection, _Games of the
North American Indians_, by Mr. Stewart Culin.

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