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Single Wicket

Source: The Book Of Sports
Category: CRICKET.

Single wicket may be played with any number of players, and is better
than double wicket for any number of players under seven. At double
wicket, a small number of players would get so fatigued with running
after the ball, that when it came to the last player's turn, he would
find himself too tired, without resting a while. The first innings in
single wicket must be determined by chance. The bowler should pitch the
wickets, and the striker measure the distance for the bowling-stump.
Measure a distance of the length of the bat, and then one of the
striker's feet, from the middle stump in a direction towards the
bowling stump: there make a mark, which is the same as the
popping-crease, and this will show when you are on the ground; place
your bat upright on the mark at the place where the measure came to, and
ask the bowler whether your bat is before the middle of your wicket;
here make a mark on the ground, which is generally called the

The bowler now begins to bowl, and the striker should endeavour to hit
any ball which comes within his compass, or if the ball given be not
favourable for that purpose, he may block it; but in blocking he must be
careful never to let the tip of the bat come before the handle, as the
ball in such a case will probably rise in the air towards the bowler,
and he will be caught out. In running, the striker must touch the
bowling-stump with his bat or person, or it is no run, and he may be put
out if he do no put his bat or some part of his person on his ground
before the ball touches his wicket.

With three players, the bowler and striker will be the same as when two
are at play; the second player will be fieldsman, who, when the ball be
hit nearer to him than to the bowler, will pick it up, or catch it if he
can, and return it to the bowler. If the striker should attempt to run,
the bowler should immediately run to the wicket, and the fieldsman
should throw the ball to him, so that he may catch it, and touch the
wicket with it to get the striker out. When the first striker is out,
the fieldsman will take his place, the striker will bowl, and the bowler
will take the field. When four players are engaged, the fourth should
stand behind the wicket; and when five or more play, the additional
players should take the field. The rule in such a case is simply, that
as soon as a striker is out he becomes bowler, then he becomes
wicket-keeper, and then he takes his place in the field on the left of
the bowler, and afterwards the other places in regular progression,
until it is his turn to have a new innings.

Next: Laws Of The Game Of Double Wicket

Previous: Cricket

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