Ring Taw
The Book Of Sports
This is played in the following manner:--A circle should be drawn about
four feet in diameter, and an inner circle of about six inches being
also marked out in its centre, into this each boy puts a marble. "Now
then, boys, knuckle down at the offing, which is in any part of the
outer circle. Now, whoever shoots a marble out of the ring is entitled
to go on again: so mind your shots; a good shot may clear the ring.
After the first shot, the players do not shoot from the offing, but from
the place where the marble stops after it has been shot from the
knuckle. Every marble struck out of the ring belongs to the party who
hits it; but if the taw remains in the inner ring, either after it has
struck a marble or not, the player is out, and must put in all the
marbles he has won. If one player strike another player's taw, the
player to whom the taw belongs is out; and he must give up all the
marbles he has won to the player whose taw struck his."
Lag Out Or Knock Out
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