Home Run
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_10 to 60 players._
_Gas balls or bean bags._
Arrange the players so that all the rows are filled and the same
number in each row. No. 1 in each row has a bean bag or ball, and at
the word "Start!" stands and throws the bag or ball to No. 2, who also
stands at the word "Start." No. 2 throws it back to No. 1 and sits
down while No. 1 throws the ball to No. 3, who stands up as soon as
No. 2 is seated. No. 3 throws it back to No. 1 and the game continues
until No. 1 has thrown the ball to the last player in the row. When
No. 1 receives the ball from the last player, he lays it down on the
desk and runs to the seat of the last player, while all players move
up toward the front one seat. No. 2 in the row then becomes No. 1, and
tosses the ball as his predecessor did. The game continues until the
original No. 1 reaches his original place and calls "Home run!" thus
scoring a point for his row and starts again. The row scoring the most
points during fifteen minutes becomes the winner.
This game was originated by Miss Amy A. Young of Cleveland,
Ohio, and was submitted in a competition for schoolroom games
conducted by the Girls' Branch of the Public Schools Athletic
League of New York City in 1906. This game was one that
received honorable mention, and is here published by the kind
permission of the author, and of the Girls' Branch, and of
Messrs. A. G. Spalding & Brothers, who publish the handbook in
which the game first appeared.
Line Ball
Hand Football
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