Laying The Breakfast-table
Games Without Music For Children
1. SPREAD the cloth--this is the way,
Cups and saucers, where are they?
2. Put them at one end in rows,
See, a spoon with each one goes.
3. One plate for each person bring,
And a napkin in a ring.
4. Here's a jug of milk so hot,
Sugar next, and coffee-pot.
5. Bread and butter place we here,
Then we get the chairs, my dear.
6. Ring the bell, and all sit round,
Each should in his place be found.
Directions.--The table may be laid by two children only, or several
may be employed, but different children should take part each time the
game is played, so that all may learn how to carry the cups, &c., and
how to place them.
Verse 1. Two little girls step forward and lay the cloth.
Verse 2. The cups and saucers are brought on a tray, and placed in
rows at one end of the table.
Verse 3. One child brings plates on a tray and places them one by one
round the table, while another follows with serviettes on a small tray,
and places one to the right of each plate.
Verse 4. The sugar, milk, &c., are placed in position.
Verse 5. One or two plates of bread and butter are put on the table,
and then the chairs are placed ready.
Verse 6. The bell is rung, and the children who are to sit at table
take their places.
The Breakfast Party
Birds In The Garden
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