Misquoted Quotations.
Choose very familiar quotations from Longfellow, Shakespear...
Single Relay Race
_10 to 100 players._
_Playground; gymnasium._
Fox And Geese
One player is chosen to be fox, another to be gander. The rem...
Contests Of Skill.
Lewis and Clarke [Footnote: Vol. II, p. 140.] describe a ga...
Our Old Grannie Doesn't Like Tea
All the players sit in a row, except one, who sits in front o...
1. What poem is it that sings down the vale
The Brook....
Dolls' Flats
Just as people live not only in houses but in flats, so may t...
Center Club Bowls
_; _Line Club Bowls (Double)_;
_Circle Club Bowls_.)