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Red Lion

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_5 to 30 or more players._

_Playground; gymnasium._

A place is marked out at one side or end of the ground called the den.
In this stands one player who is called Red Lion. The other players
choose one of their number as a chief, who does not run, but stands at
one side and directs the movements of the others. The chief calls
"Loose!" to the Red Lion. After hearing this signal, the lion is free
to run out whenever he chooses. The players venture near to the den,
taunting the lion with the lines

"Red Lion, Red Lion, come out of your den!
Whoever you catch will be one of your men."

When the Red Lion thinks the players are sufficiently near to give him
a good opportunity to catch one, he makes a sudden sortie and catches
any player that he can. The player is not his prisoner until the Lion
has held him and repeated three times "Red Lion!" Both the Lion and
his prisoner must hurry back to the den, as all of the other players
may turn upon them at once to drive them back with blows. This is
generally restricted to hitting with caps. Thereafter, when the Red
Lion issues forth, he must take the prisoner with him, hand in hand,
both of them endeavoring together to catch one of the other players by
putting their arms over his head.

The Red Lion and his man may not issue, however, from their den until
the chief calls "Cow catcher!" or some other signal, as explained
below. As in the previous case, when a prisoner is caught, he and his
captors hurry to the den to avoid the buffeting of the other players.
Each time that the Red Lion goes forth, all of his prisoners must go
with him. The method in which they go, however, and in which they
capture their prey, will be determined by the signals of the chief.
When he calls "Cow catcher!" they must all run out in a long string,
hand in hand, and capture their prisoner by any two in the line
slipping their clasped hands over his head. If the chief calls
"Tight!" the Red Lion and his men go forth in the same way, holding
hands, and try to capture a player by surrounding him and so take him
to the den. Should the chief call "Doubles!" then the Red Lion and his
men come forth two by two, and try to capture their prisoners. The
order in which these varied commands are given is entirely at the
discretion of the chief.

At any time when the Red Lion and his men are out on the hunt, any of
the other players may try to break apart the clasped hands of the
hunters. Whenever this is done, the lions must rush back to their den,
being driven back and buffeted by the outside players. The game ends
when all of the men have been captured by the Red Lion's party. The
last man to be caught is the winner, and becomes Red Lion for the next

Next: Ring-a-lievio

Previous: Railroad Train

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