P's And Q's
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
Another old game of this kind is "P's and Q's." The players sit in a
circle and one stands up and asks them each a question in turn. The
question takes this form, "The King of England [or France, or Germany,
or Africa, or Russia, or India, whatever country it may be] has gone
forth with all his men. Tell me where he has gone, but mind your P's
and Q's." The player who is addressed must then reply, naming, in
whatever country is mentioned, some town that does not begin with P or
Q or with any letter before P in the alphabet. Thus, if the question
refers to England, he may say "Salisbury" but not "Bristol," "Redruth"
but not "Oxford"; or to France, "Toulon" but not "Lyons," "Versailles"
but not "Dieppe."
The game is capable of improvement or, at least, of variety. For
instance, instead of P's and Q's, the questioner may say, "Mind your
K's and L's," or instead of ruling out all letters before P, all
letters after Q may be stopped. And one need not confine the game to
geography, but may adapt it to include animals, or eatables, or books.
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