Preparations For Sowing
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
Before sowing any seeds, see that the soil is nicely broken up, and
remove any stones.
When you have decided where to sow the different seeds, take away a
little earth from each place and sow the seeds very
thinly--remembering that each plant must be from four inches to twelve
inches apart; cover lightly with the earth you took out and press it
down firmly with your trowel. Then mark the place with little pieces
of white wood, on which the names of the seeds have been written with
an indelible pencil. It is much easier to sow the tiny seeds thinly if
you first mix them with a little sand. These must be only just covered
by a very fine sprinkling of earth; but sweet-pea and nasturtium must
be sown deeper.
Thinning Out And Transplanting
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