Cock Fighting
Games For All Occasions
This is a most amusing game, and although only two boys can play at it
at one time they will keep the rest of the company in roars of laughter.
The two who are to represent the "cocks" having been chosen, they are
both seated upon the floor.
Each boy has his wrists tied together with a handkerchief, and his legs
secured just above the ankles with another handkerchief; his arms are
then passed over his knees, and a broomstick is pushed over one arm,
under both knees, and out again on the other side over the other arm.
The "cocks" are now considered ready for fighting, and are carried into
the center of the room, and placed opposite each other with their toes
just touching. The fun now commences.
Each "cock" tries with the aid of his toes to turn his opponent over on
his back or side.
The one who can succeed in doing this first wins the game.
It often happens that both "cocks" turn over at the same time, when the
fight commences again.
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