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Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_4 to 100 players._
_Indoors; out of doors; schoolroom._
All of the players but two hook arms in couples. Of the two who are
free, one is It or chaser, and the other the runner. The runner may
save himself by locking arms with either member of any couple he
chooses. Whenever he does so, the third party of that group becomes
runner and must save himself in like manner. If the runner be tagged
at any time, he becomes It or chaser; and the chaser becomes runner.
To get the proper sport into this game, the couples should run and
twist and resort to any reasonable maneuver to elude the runner, who
is liable at any time to lock arms with one of them and so make the
other a runner.
For large numbers there should be more than one runner and chaser.
Pebble Chase
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