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_20 to 60 players._ _2 balls or bean bags._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ OBJECTS OF GAME This is a toss and catch game between a captain and the players of his team who are lined up around a square alternating with the players of an opposing team. The objects of the game are (1) to complete the round of tossing and catching quicker than the opponents; (2) to "overtake" or outdistance the bag or ball which the opponents are tossing. FORMATION When played in a gymnasium, a well-defined square should be marked, around which the players take their places. The size may vary with the number of players and their skill in throwing to and catching from the captain who stands in the center. In the schoolroom the players stand around the room next the wall, outside a line marked on the floor, within which they may not go. TEAMS Any number from twenty to sixty may play. Forty is an especially good number. The players are evenly divided into two teams, preferably designated by colors; or the players of one team may each tie a handkerchief on one arm to distinguish them. Polo caps of a colored cheese cloth are a serviceable device. If it be used in the schoolroom, each player may easily keep such a cap in his or her desk. Corresponding colors for the two bean bags or balls are also desirable. One player from each team is chosen for captain and stands in the center, the two captains being side by side and moving around each other within a small circle drawn on the floor, as becomes necessary for the shifting direction of the play. The other players of each team are numbered consecutively, and take their places alternately around the square, the two Numbers One standing opposite each other. A referee is also desirable who should start the game, announce score, and award points to the opposing team when fouls are made. The referee may act as scorer, or, if there be a separate scorer, announce the points for scoring. The referee should also pick up any dead (dropped) ball and toss it to the captain of the team. START The game starts, on a signal from the referee, with the captains standing back to back in the center, each facing the Number One player of his team. At the signal each captain tosses his ball to his Number One, who at once tosses it back to him; the captain then tosses it to the next player of his team standing on Number One's right, and he tosses it back. The play is thus continued around the entire square until the captain tosses it again to his Number One, which is called getting the ball "home." The two balls are thus being played around in the same direction, following each other; and one of the main features of the game is to have a ball "overtake" that of its opponents. In the next inning or round the balls may follow in the opposite direction (to the left). RULES AND POINTS OF PLAY Players may lunge or "fall out" when tossing or catching, if one foot be left without the boundary. Players may stoop or jump to catch a low or high ball, but may not advance beyond the boundary. One or both hands may be used in tossing or catching. A dropped ball is returned to play by the referee, who tosses it to the captain. If a captain drops a ball or bag three times, he changes places with Number One player of his team; this captain, failing three times, changes with Number Two, and so on. Every ball dropped scores for the opponents, as stated under "Score." An opponent may interfere, but with one hand only. FOULS It is a fou _a._ To use the arms in any way to interfere with a player who does not hold the ball. _b._ To grasp the clothing or person of an opponent. _c._ To use both hands for interfering. _d._ To drop the ball. _e._ To send the ball afield. All fouls are penalized by the opponents' scoring one point, except for a ball that goes afield (outside the boundaries): that scores two points for the opponents. A ball dropped inside the boundaries scores one point for opponents. SCORE A ball which "overtakes" (passes) the opponents' ball scores five points. The ball that first makes the circuit and gets back to Number One player of its team, or "home," scores two points. Fouls score one point for the opponent, except when a ball goes afield, which scores two points for the opponents. The game is won on a score of ten points. This game was originated and copyrighted by Mrs. Elizabeth R. Walton, of Washington, D.C. It received honorable mention in a competition for schoolroom games conducted by the Girls' Branch of the Public Schools Athletic League of New York City in 1906. It is here published by the kind permission of its author. Previous: Over And Under Relay
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