Odd Man's Cap
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_10 to 30 or more players._
_Playground; gymnasium._
Twelve players make the best-sized group for this game; where there
are more players, they should be divided into small groups. All but
one of the players stand in a circle with considerable space between
each two. The odd man stands in the center. Each player is provided
with a stick about two feet in length; canes or wands may be used as a
substitute, but the shorter sticks are better; they may be whittled
from branches or bits of wood, and should not be pointed at the ends.
The odd man tosses his cap or a cloth bag toward the circle. The
players endeavor to catch it on their sticks, and keep it moving from
one to another, so as to evade the odd man, who tries to recover his
property. Should he succeed, he changes places with the one from whom
he recovered it. The sticks must be kept upright in the air. A dropped
cap may be picked up only by hand, not on a stick. The sticks must
always be held upright. An old stiff hat, or a cap or bag wired
around the edge to keep it spread open, makes the best game.
This game holds the interest of the players intently and is full of
Old Buzzard
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